Candles St. Valentine There are 5 products.

  • Candela Written Love Weight 500gr; 8.3 x 10.3cm  depth 2.8 cm Wide choice of candles for Valentine's Day.Candle for Valentine's Day Candela Written Love available in various formats.Candles Made in Italy.

  • Candle Heart red, weight 500g Wide choice of candles for Valentine's Day.Candle for Valentine's Day Candle Heart red - CR available in various formats.Candles Made in Italy.

  • Candle shaped like a heart with swarovski, weight 500g Wide choice of candles for Valentine's Day.Candle for Valentine's Day Candle Heart with Swarovski - C500 available in various formats.Candles Made in Italy.

  • Candle Written I LOVE YOU Big 25.5 x 7cm  depth 2.8 cm     250gr Little 17 x 5cm  depth 2.8 cm    150gr Wide choice of candles for Valentine's Day.Candle for Valentine's Day Candle Written I LOVE YOU - ILY available in various formats.Candles Made in Italy.

  • Candle Written TI AMO Big 25.5 x 7cm  depth 2.8 cm     250gr Little 17 x 5cm  depth 2.8 cm    150gr Wide choice of candles for Valentine's Day.Candle for Valentine's Day Candle Written TI AMO available in various formats.Candles Made in Italy.

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items